Slip and fall accident cases can be challenging to win because you must be able to prove that negligence is the cause of your accident and that your quality of life is lower because of your injuries. In other words, that you have suffered provable damages as a result of your accident injury. An evaluation of your accident will determine if you have a case or not.
During a free consultation with a New York personal injury lawyer from Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., we have a questionnaire to help us evaluate your case and collect basic information about the slip and fall accident.
- What Is The Purpose of an Evaluation?
- What Questions Could We Ask You?
- Will You Have To Answer Questions at a Deposition?
- Is There a Deadline to File a Lawsuit?
- Learn More About Slip and Fall Questions Today
What Is The Purpose of an Evaluation?
An evaluation, which we conduct during a free consultation, allows us to determine the strength of your case and learn the basics about the accident and your injuries. A slip and fall accident, which is similar in all significant respects to an injury caused by a trip and fall occurs when you lose your footing on a slippery surface or because of an unseen object or another hazard in your path.
You may be entitled to recover compensation for damages you suffer if negligence by the property owner or institution is to blame for the accident. This means that the liable party was aware of the hazard, or that in the exercise of reasonable care, they should have been aware of the hazard, (typicaly established by evidence showing the hazard existed for a significant period of time, affording the property owner the opportunity to learn of the hazard), but did not remove or repair it, nor did they properly warn you about it.
A slip and fall accident lawyer from our firm on Long Island will evaluate your accident to determine if you have a case.
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What Questions Could We Ask You?
Our goal is to discover the facts of the accident and determine if you have a case that will hold up in a court of law when we present it to a jury. To do this, we will ask you a series of questions that typically include:
- What is the cause of your slip and fall?
- Where did the accident occur?
- Was anyone with you when you fell?
- Were there any witnesses who saw the accident?
- A what point did you realize what caused the accident?
- Did anyone assist you after the accident? Employees? Bystanders?
- Have you ever been to the location of the accident before?
- Did you immediately report the accident?
- To whom did you report the accident?
- Did you or the property owner/business/institution prepare an accident report?
- Do you have a copy of the report?
- Do you or the property owner know the cause of the slippery floor or what substance or hazard caused you to slip and fall?
- What type of shoes were you wearing?
- Did you see the substance or hazard on the floor prior to the accident?
- Were there any signs warning of the slippery floor or hazard?
- Did the property owner or business do anything to correct the cause of your accident?
- Does the location employ the use of video surveillance that could have recorded the accident?
- Did you or anyone else take photographs of the scene?
- Did you suffer any injuries?
- When did you notice your injuries?
- How long after the accident did you seek medical treatment?
- Were you unable to work and did you lose any income due to your injuries?
- Where did you receive medical attention?
- How have your injuries impacted your life?
- Did you have health insurance coverage at the time of the accident?
- Is your insurance provider covering your expenses?
- Have you ever filed a workers’ compensation claim?
- Have you ever filed a personal injury claim?
- Have you ever filed a personal injury lawsuit?
- Do you have any current health issues or pre-existing conditions?
- Did you recover compensation and how much?
These questions will help us evaluate your case, so please be prepared to provide clear and thorough answers if at all possible. We will work to make you comfortable and put you at ease during your consultation with a personal injury attorney from our firm.
Please also understand that the questions listed above are of a general nature, provided here for your information. When we actually speak with you, we will ask questions that are very specific to you, your accident, your injuries and your medical treatment.
It is important to note, we ask questions with one goal in mind: To win the best possible case result for you. This is in no way a harsh interrogation. Rather, it is a good natured search for the truth and for every fact we can use to build the strongest and most compelling case on your behalf.
Will You Have To Answer Questions at a Deposition?
If a lawsuit is commenced to recover your damages, you will most likely be questioned at a proceding called an “Examinatoin Before Trial” or “E.B.T.”, which is a form of a deposition.
Depositions are part of the discovery process (“discovery” is the exchange of information between adversarial parties in litigation,) and are sessions that take place in an office or conference room or sometimes at the courthouse where all parties and their legal representatives gather to interview you, the defendant, and witnesses for information pertaining to the slip and fall accident.
While depositions may seem intimidating, many of the potential questions the other side will ask are the same that we will ask you during a consultation. We will be at your side to make sure all questioning is relevant and proper.
There will be questions about your background, medical history, the slip and fall accident, your injuries, and how your injuries impact your life. A court reporter is typically present to administer the oath and record a transcript of the proceedings that you and your attorney can request a copy of to review.
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Is There a Deadline to File a Lawsuit?
You only have a limited amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover compensation through the courts in New York, according to New York Civil Practice Laws & Rules § 214*. Personal injury cases can take time to resolve, so consulting with a lawyer immediately after an accident gives us time to investigate and build your case.
(*It is important to note that while section § 214 is the most commonly applicable statute of limitations, a shorter time limitation may apply to your case. It is for this and numerous other reasons that we strongly recommend that you take advantage of our offer of a free, no-obligation case review and consultation. We will identify the deadline(s) and other important considerations that apply to your case and inform you of your options.)
If you fail to file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out in your case, the court will dismiss it. We will meet all deadlines in your case, including the statute of limitations, relieving you of the stress and burden of worrying about timely and correct compliance.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form now
Learn More About Slip and Fall Questions Today
Our law firm consistently handles slip and fall accident cases. We empathize with accident victims just like you and we want to handle your case so you will be able to focus on healing.
Injuries from a slip and fall accident can leave you with crushing medical bills and the inability to earn an income. Compensation typically covers these damages and more, all while holding the liable party accountable so you get justice.
If you or someone you love were in a slip and fall accident, a slip and fall accident lawyer from Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. is ready to talk to you about your case, including asking you some basic questions. Importantly, we are ready to provide answers to your most pressing questions as well. To learn more about our slip and fall accident questionnaire, contact us today or call for a free consultation.
Call or text 516-932-0400 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form