The attorneys at Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., can represent you in your fight for justice and handle your legal proceedings while you continue focusing on your recovery. A Brentwood head-on collision accident lawyer with us will provide many services to help ease your legal burdens, including:
- Updating you about the progress of your case.
- Identifying liable parties.
- Communicating with all parties on your behalf.
- Gathering evidence to reveal the truth behind the accident.
- Determining an appropriate value for your case.
- Fighting to win the best possible outcome for you.
If you have any questions or concerns about filing a personal injury claim in Brentwood, our team will be happy to assist you during your free consultation. To get started, contact Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. today at (516) 932-0400.
- Common Injuries from Head-On Collisions
- Recoverable Damages for Victims in Brentwood
- Common Causes of Head-On Collisions
- Comparative Negligence in Head-On Collisions
- Head-On Collision Lawyers Serving Victims in Brentwood
Common Injuries from Head-On Collisions
Even when both cars are traveling at low speeds, the way forces are generated in head-on collisions can cause severe injuries to everyone involved. Many victims may recover from their injuries after a short hospitalization and recovery period, but some victims suffer irreversible damage and even death. The following are injuries that commonly result from this type of collision:
- Whiplash
- Cuts and bruises from flying debris
- Burns
- Broken bones or fractures
- Concussions
- Nerve damage
- Herniated disks
- Internal bleeding
- Skull fractures
- Amputations
- Disfigurements
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Paralysis, often caused by spinal cord injuries, brain hemorrhages, or brain damage
For a free legal consultation with a Head-On Collision Accident lawyer serving Brentwood, call 516-932-0400
Recoverable Damages for Victims in Brentwood
Civil courts allow victims to seek damages for their economic and non-economic losses. Fortunately, recoverable damages include numerous ailments, traumas, and hardships in the State of New York. Recoverable damages may include the following:
- Medical costs
- Lost wages and benefits
- Diminished earning capacity
- Property damage
- Rehabilitation services (addressing physical injuries, brain damage, or severe psychological trauma)
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental anguish, such as impaired quality of life, damaged relationships, mental health conditions, lost ambition, and more
- Accommodations for permanent disabilities, which may include respite care, transportation methods, medical devices, and treatment program
Brentwood Head-On Collision Accident Lawyer Near Me 516-932-0400
Common Causes of Head-On Collisions
Most head-on collision accidents occur on two-lane roadways, one-way streets, and at intersections. Head-on collisions often occur because of distracted driving, driving under the influence, driver inexperience, mechanical failures, and poor roadway conditions or traffic regulation. More specifically, common causes of head-on collisions include the following:
- Attempting to pass other vehicles in prohibited zones
- Texting, eating, tuning the radio, or checking social media behind the wheel
- Left turns at intersections
- Speeding or driving too fast for conditions
- Neglected tires that pop or lose traction
- Worn-out or defective brakes
- Failure to maintain lane
- Failure to yield
- Improperly secured cargo, which falls onto the road and causes drivers to swerve out of the way
- Confusing road signage or other traffic controls
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Comparative Negligence in Head-On Collisions
Liability is clear in many head-on collisions. However, many accidents are the result of actions by multiple parties. You may realize or it may come to pass that your actions may have partially contributed to the happening of the accident, even if your involvement was relatively minor. New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §1411 designates New York State as a comparative negligence state. That means you are not banned from recovering damages just because you were partially liable for your accident. Instead, the relative contribution of each party to the accident is determined by percentage, and liability is apportioned accordingly.
So, for example, if Driver A is found to have been 10% responsible for the accident that caused his injuries but Driver B is found to have been 90% responsible, Driver A will be able to hold Driver B 90% responsible for the damages Driver A suffered as a result of the accident. (It should be noted that recovering even the 90% will still be a function of locating a monetary source for that recovery, meaning, in most cases, insurance coverage to pay the 90%.)
Most importantly, your level of liability will have a direct impact on your final settlement. In litigated cases, the jury in the courthouse will assign a percentage to your involvement after they have heard and seen all the relevant evidence. Similarly, in a settlement negotiated with insurance carriers your settlement would typically be in large part a function of what is ultimately agreed, if agreement can be reached at all, to your percentage of involvement. (To be clear, the term, “involvement” here refers to the extent to which each driver’s action contributed to the happening of the motor vehicle accident.)
When you retain a Brentwood head-on collision accident lawyer at Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., we can help investigate the root cause of your accident. As your case progresses, our attorneys will use the evidence we collect to help reveal liability and secure fair compensation.
To learn more about proving liability in Brentwood, contact a Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. team member today at (516) 932-0400 and request your free consultation.
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Head-On Collision Lawyers Serving Victims in Brentwood
Here at Friedman & Simon, L.L.P., we are not afraid to think outside the box during our fight for justice. While we have a deep understanding of the laws and legal system in New York State, there are times when we will rely on industry experts to further support your claim.
When your case needs an outside perspective, our attorneys will call upon expert witnesses from numerous walks of life, including:
- Economists.
- Lifecare planners.
- Medical experts.
- Vocational rehabilitation experts.
One of the most important goals of our Brentwood head-on collision accident lawyers is to keep your case as painless as possible and to make every step as convenient for you as we can. We will happily meet you anywhere on Long Island or in the New York metropolitan area, whatever is easiest for you. Additionally, we can assist in several different languages, including Tamil, Spanish, Greek, Bengali, and Kannada.
Personal injury claims are governed by strict rules that you must follow if you want to protect your rights to recover your damages. One of the most important laws is CVP §214, which only gives you a limited amount of time to take legal action after your accident. In addition to this law, known as the statute of limitations, there are other deadlines that apply to claims and lawsuits as well. There are other very important considerations as to taking prompt action after an accident as well. Certain evidence, such as witness statements and dash-cam or surveillance video, should be sought as soon as possible, before it may become unavailable for a variety of reasons. The sooner you contact us, the greater our opportunity to win the best possible outcome for you.
Do not wait to get started on your pursuit of damages. For more information in a free case evaluation, contact a Friedman & Simon, L.L.P. team member today at (516) 932-0400.
Call or text 516-932-0400 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form