Roger’s Long Climb to Success

Becoming an attorney is an incredible achievement, but the reality of the work often isn’t what you imagined. I worked for a small law firm out of law school, and during my very first week, a partner told me to go to the court and “make an application.” I had no idea what that meant and was too embarrassed to ask. I nervously ventured out and found a court officer at his desk reading the newspaper ... CONTINUE READING

Get Your 4th Grader a Free National Park Pass

What if your child could hike through the Redwoods in California, chase waterfalls in Yosemite, get up close and personal with bison in Yellowstone, and go whale watching in Olympic National Park — all for free? ... CONTINUE READING

How Extracurricular Activities Benefit Your Kids

As children return to school in August, they’ll likely be interested in one or more extracurricular activities. Opportunities both in school and in the community are numerous, such as participating in a local play, joining a school club or sports team, and many others. Extracurricular activities are perfect for getting kids out of the house, but these ventures will also help them gain valuable experiences along with these three benefits ... CONTINUE READING

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